The byCRUZ brand strives to produce exceptionally high quality designs, with prices that are focused on inclusiveness. We believe that there is a daily opportunity presented to all of us to get dressed to evolve. We have the choice to keep showing up despite adversity, and as a community, we can cheer each other on in the failure, the steps forward, and the intensity in which we continue to keep going. With this intention, we feel you deserve to have the highest quality athletic apparel designed with you in mind, and it is our goal to always provide that and more.
Antonio Cruz, owner and CEO of byCRUZ has been a fitness instructor for over a decade, and in that time, found that he was paying outrageous amounts of money for athelisure apparel that didn't meet the quality standards that it really should. Thus, the idea for byCRUZ was born. As a mixture of original designs by Cruz himself, and hand selected pieces that are tested and approved by the community, the byCRUZ brand stands apart from others.
In a recent interview, Cruz states, "The brand isn't about my last name, Cruz in Spanish means cross, which is the higher quality stitch pattern my grandmother would use to mend and make our clothes growing up. I grew up in Mexico without a lot of money, and to come full circle with a brand that is growing both here in the United States as well as in Mexico, is all I could ever ask for in terms of success."
The brand has instated the slogan #STARTNONSTOP as a reminder to it's community to keep getting back up and trying again no matter what the circumstance or degree of failure. From the start, byCRUZ has centered it's focus on it's community, calling on them to help select the pieces for their line that get approved by the community first, as well as creating original designs that help heighten security for the individual wearing the piece. byCRUZ continues to work creating an impact in the world of health and wellness, and demanding better for everyone, because you deserve the best; for your activewear, for your health, for your life.